Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Introduction to Machine Learning in Python with scikit-learn by Cyrille Rossant, a free recipe from the IPython Cookbook, a comprehensive guide to Python for Data Science.
An introduction to Predictive Modeling in Python, by Olivier Grisel.
Introduction to Linear Regression using Python by Kevin Markham
Machine learning in Python, a series based on Andrew Ng’s Coursera class on machine learning. Part of a larger collection of data science notebooks by John Wittenauer.
Python Pandas DataFrame Basics, this notebook explains the basic concepts of a pandas data frame from scratch for beginners with examples, by Tanu Nanda Prabhu.
Manipulating the data with Pandas using Python, this notebook explains various operations and methods of Pandas library from the scratch with the help of an example.
Statistical Data Analysis in Python, by Christopher Fonnesbeck, SciPy 2013.