First a reminder:

Why Statistics

Image of statistics Image Source.

  • The art of decision making choosing a plan of action when faced with uncertainty.
  • The quantitative approach to decision making is the essence of Data Science.
  • We are just going to refresh a bit of this quantitative approach called Statistics.
  • Statistics is part of the art of unraveling the secrets hidden inside data.

“A Data Scientist is one who knows more statistics than a programmer and more programming than a statistician”.

Image of Data Science Image Source.

A data scientists solves problems

  • We define a problem statement (By asking the right questions)
  • We then collect the right kind of data to perform our analysis
  • We try to explore the data to see what it tells us
  • We employ various techniques to derive inferences from the data or to predict some answers for the problem statement.
  • Finally, we check if our inferences/predictions are fairly accurate (of course by scientific methods!)

Let’s start with data manipulation!

Data Manipulation